采用医疗 employees and families enjoy Fanfare fun


apple Healthcare持有C组.A.R.E. 9月11日星期六的狂欢. 9th, an afternoon of fun to celebrate employees and their families. 每个人都很享受食物, 音乐, activities and games and competitions, with a special appearance by the ACHS cheerleaders.


Thank you to all the generous community supporters who helped make the event a success, 包括:菲尔, 保罗·蒂格彭雪佛兰GMC, KS矿车, Mi草帽, 抛光沙龙, 烘焙的乐趣, 还有莎拉花店 & 礼物.

Read about 采用医疗 CEO’s Inspiration for TEAM C.A.R.E.


团队C.A.R.E. is 采用医疗’s employee engagement function and embodies the spirit of our mission (Connect, 承认, 安抚 & 参与). 团队C.A.R.E. has a sports theme, with a positive focus on spirit, teamwork, and camaraderie. All employees are members of 团队C.A.R.E.