1924 World Series inspired Appling Healthcare CEO for Employee Engagement

首席执行官安德里亚·格雷厄姆(中)和莎娜·马丁, Chief Nursing Officer (left), and Robin Crosby, Chief Operations Officer


苹果医疗最近举行了他们的第一次 Fanfare 作为他们新的C队的一部分.A.R.E. employee engagement program. Below, CEO Andrea Graham writes about the personal inspiration behind Team C.A.R.E.

I started my journey at Appling Healthcare in August of 2015.  这是我在苹果医疗公司工作的第一天, 我觉得自己和以前做过的任何工作都不一样.  I felt purpose.  我觉得apple Healthcare的每个人都非常关心组织内的患者和住院医师,并努力为每个使用apple Healthcare服务的人提供最佳体验.

As I progressed in my career here at Appling Healthcare, I have worn many hats.  我最初是作为临床药剂师和药房主任直接照顾万博买球世界杯的病人和住院医生.  在这个岗位上工作让我有机会在第一线看到万博买球世界杯的顾客得到的所有惊人的照顾.  Serving in a rural community has always given me so much pride. 虽然万博买球世界杯的资源可能有限, the knowledge that rural clinical providers never ceases to amaze me.  这些农村教育提供者超越一切,接受所提供的任何和所有教育, both from within the organization and outside of the organization, on their personal time to be prepared to take care of our patients and residents.

当我继续担任药房主任时, I started taking on new roles within Appling Healthcare as changes occurred.  我担任首席质量官, Compliance Officer, Risk Management, and Chief Operating Officer.  通过这些角色,我以许多不同的方式体验了医疗保健应用.  我看到了病人经历的不同方面是如何结合在一起的.  尽管每个病人的经历

The winning team of Appling Healthcare employees at Team C.A.R.E. Fanfare on Sept. 9, 2023.

originates in a different area, 不管是急诊室, the doctor’s office, or outpatient service, all departments of our organization contribute to the experience.  通过我不同的领导角色, 我可以看到,临床工作人员不仅为万博买球世界杯的顾客做得非常好, 还有非临床领域(如金融)的工作人员, Health Information Management, Revenue Cycle, and Human Resources, (举几个例子)所有人都有同样的热情,为万博买球世界杯的病人和住院医生创造最好的病人体验.

As I moved into the role of Chief Executive Officer of Appling Healthcare, 我想了很多万博买球世界杯如何利用我在公司中拥有的所有不同的机会,以及我在每个不同部门看到的所有热情,在公司内部建立团结,以表明万博买球世界杯都在同一页上.

你们很多人都知道,我去年失去了父亲.  我爸爸是一个狂热的运动爱好者, and growing up, 我童年的大部分时间都是在体育比赛中度过的.  During my dad’s eulogy, 牧师给万博买球世界杯讲了1924年纽约巨人队和华盛顿参议员队之间的世界职业棒球大赛的故事.  故事是这样的:在1924年的世界大赛中,纽约巨人队和华盛顿参议员队在六场比赛后打成平手. 1924年世界职业棒球大赛的最后一场比赛在格里菲斯体育场举行, 两队进入第九局, 双方各得三分,打成平手.

The New York Giants scored no runs and The Washington Senators came to bat. 华盛顿参议员队的球迷尖叫着要一分, which would win the series and the world championship for their team. The first two batters made outs and it looked like there would be extra innings.  Then, a player named Leon ‘Goose’ Goslin came to the plate.

两振出局,然后两球出局. 观众在观看每一个投球. 戈斯林在第五球时踩到球,将球猛击到左中外野.  The crowd was going crazy as it seemed this hit may have been a home run.  结果球击中了墙下几英寸的地方,然后又掉到了球场上.

As Goslin was running the bases he slowed down for a triple.  他的三垒教练挥手让他进入本垒打本垒打. Goslin slid into home in a cloud of dust, seemingly a split second before the tag. The catcher followed the routine of throwing the ball around the bases, just in case, 在等待裁判判罚的时候. The umpire delayed his call. After consulting with the other umpires, he cried, ‘You’re out!’

Leon ‘Goose’ Goslin

The Washington Senators’ Manager, Bucky Harris, 他的球队和球迷冲进了球场, protesting the call. 裁判员使王冠平静下来并宣布, ‘Ladies and gentlemen, 击球手出局了,不是因为他没有在本垒打到球,而是因为他没有触到一垒!球员在绕垒时总是被要求用脚触碰每个垒. Goslin didn’t do this!

The preacher went on to say, “Getting up to bat, hitting the ball, and running the bases won’t count if you miss First Base. 万博买球世界杯可能看起来像是到家了, 但裁判看到了这一切,知道万博买球世界杯必须按规则行事,他会叫万博买球世界杯出局.’”

虽然牧师在他的悼词中谈到了我父亲的救赎,但我还是抓住了这些话.  我思考着这些话,思考着它们如何适用于我, my journey in my life and my role as Appling Healthcare’s CEO.  And this is where Team C.A.R.E evolved from.  在我在苹果的所有经历中,我知道我想让万博买球世界杯所有人都看到,万博买球世界杯都在同一个团队中.  We share the same Mission.  不上一垒是做不到的. 如果万博买球世界杯只关注一个方面而不关注其他方面,万博买球世界杯将无法成功.

苹果医疗保健的本垒是建立一个可持续发展的组织,为苹果县提供多年的医疗服务,并为子孙后代服务. 为了达到本垒,万博买球世界杯必须专注于人, Quality, Finance, Service, Growth, and Community.

Andrea Graham
CEO of Appling Healthcare